Ellipsometry and Polariton Physics Group

Dr. Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund

Anklicken und Vergrößern

Address   CV   Research/Projects   Publications   Conferences   Seminars   Lectures   Group/Students  

Group members, Students, and Trainees

Current staff
Dr. Chris Sturm    Dipl. Phys. Martin Thunert    M.Sc. Tom Michalsky    M.Sc. Steffen Richter   
M.Sc. Marcel Wille    M.Sc. Vitaly Zviagin    B.Sc. Stefan Lange    M.Sc. Oliver Herrfurth   
B.Sc. Evgeny Krüger    M.Sc. Lukas Trefflich    B.Sc. Florian Jung    Mizuki Kakei   
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Mizuki Kakei 2017: Trainee
"Growth and optics of functionalized ZnO wire cavities and heterostructures"
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Arthur Gansler 2017: Trainee
pupil internship / Schülerpraktikum:
"Optische und elektrische Charakterisierung von LEDs"
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Mareen Scholz 2016: Trainee
pupil internship / Schülerpraktikum:
"Polarisationsanalyse des Lichtes am Tageshimmel"
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Lukas Trefflich since 2016: PhD Student
Topic: Growth and investigation of advanced microcavities for topologic photonics and polaritonics
(DFG-project Research Unit FOR 1616 (SCHM2710/2) and SCHM 2710/3-1)
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Florian Jung since 2016: Trainee
MgO/TiN superlattices, topology of microcavity modes
(DFG-project SCHM 2710/3-1)
2015-2016: Bachelor Student
Thesis: "Growth and characterisation of MgO/TiN superlattices"
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Evgeny Krüger since 2017: Master Student
Topic: Propagating coherent polariton states in microwire cavities and lasing in CuI microwires
(DFG-project Research Unit FOR 1616, SCHM2710/2-1,2)
2016-2017: Trainee
Topic: Lasing in ZnO nanowires
2015: Bachelor Student
Thesis: "Hochanregungsspektroskopie an ZnO-Mikrodrähten bei Raumtemperatur"
(DFG-project Research Unit FOR 1616, SCHM2710/2-1,2)
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Tom Jungnickel 2015: Trainee
pupil internship / Schülerpraktikum:
"Optische und elektrische Charakterisierung von LEDs"
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Marcel Wille since 2014: PhD Student
Topic: Nanowire lasers - growth and optical properties
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Stefan Lange since 2014: Master Student
Topic: Coherence and photon statistics of the emission from exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensates
(DFG-project Research Unit FOR 1616, SCHM2710/2-1,2)
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Alexander Holm 2014: Bachelor Student
Thesis: "Aufbau und Test eines Interferometermessplatzes zur Untersuchung von Exziton-Polaritonkondensaten"
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Oliver Herrfurth since 2017: PhD Student
Topics: Mode topology and polariton-pseudo-spin dynamics in microcavities; femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopic ellipsometry
(DFG-project SCHM 2710/3-1)
2016-2017 Master Student
Thesis: "Development of a femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopic ellipsometry setup"
2014-2016 Trainee
Topics: Exciton-Polaritons in ZnO Microcavities
2014: Bachelor Student
Thesis: "Exciton-Polaritons in ZnO Microcavities: Relaxation and Recombination Processes"
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Christian Dähne 2013: Bachelor Student
Thesis: "Ramanstreuung an Indium-Gallium-Oxid"
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Karl Fischborn 2012 - 2013: Trainee
Lab Course / Besondere Lernleistung:
"Physics of modern LEDs"
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Hannes Krauß 2012 - 2014: Master Student
Thesis: "Dielektrische Funktion von Indiumoxid und Galliumoxid Dünnschichten im Temperaturbereich 10K bis 300K"
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Tao Wang 2012: Trainee
Topics: Optical modes in ZnO micro-wires
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Sherzod Khujanov 2012: trainee
Topics: Strained ZnO nano- and micro-wires
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Henner Bieligk 2012 - 2015: PhD Student
Topics: Fast optical imaging
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Vitaly Zviagin since 2014: PhD Student
Topics: Optical and Magnetooptical properties of spinel oxides and other materials, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
( SFB 762)
2013 - 2014 : Master Student
Thesis: "Optical, Magneto-optical and Structural Properties of Spinel Oxide Thin Films in Dependence on Deposition Temperatures"
(SFB 762)
2012: Bachelor Student
Thesis: "Dielectric Function and Structural Properties of ZnCo2O4 Thin Films in Dependence on the Growth Conditions"
(DFG-project GR 1011/20, SFB 762)
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Lennart Fricke 2013 - 2014: Trainee
Topics: In-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry, RCWA and Scattering-Matrix modelling of optical properties of structured surfaces
2012 - 2013: Diploma Student
Thesis: "In-situ Ellipsometrie an Zinkoxideinkristalloberflächen"
Topics: In-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry, RHEED, and real structure investigations of surface modification under PLD growth conditions
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Martin Thunert since 2011: PhD Student
Topics: Bose-Einstein condensates of exciton-polaritons in ZnO-based microcavities - real- and momentum space distribution, coherence, dynamic properties, growth of resonators
(DFG-project GR 1011/20
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Tobias Lühmann 2013 - 2015: Master Student
Thesis: "3D Ionenstrahlschreiben in Diamant zur Erzeugung von Graphitstrukturen und deren Charakterisierung"
(joint project with Nukleare Festkörperphysik, Uni Leipzig, Prof. Dr. J. Meijer)
2012 - 2013: Trainee
Topics: Temperature-dependent Ellipsometry for oxide thin films
(DFG-project GR 1011/20, SFB 762)
2011/2012: Bachelor Student
Thesis: "Tieftemperatur-Ellipsometrie zur Bestimmung der temperaturabhängigen dielektrischen Funktion von Al2O3- und YSZ-Dünnschichten"
"Low-Temperature-Ellipsometry for determination of the temperature dependent dielectric function of Al2O3 and YSZ thin films"
(DFG-project GR 1011/20, SFB 762)
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Christian Heinrichs 2011 - 2013: Master Student
Thesis: "Aufbau eines Ellipsometers zur Messung der vollständigen Müller-Matrix"
Topics: time-resolved ellipsometry, application to ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and multiferroic films and heterostructures
(SFB 762)
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Steffen Richter since 2013: Ph.D. Student
Topics: stokes-vector analysis of the emission from exciton-polaritons, time resolved polarisation optics, mode topology and polariton-pseudo-spin dynamics in microcavities; femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopic ellipsometry
(DFG-projects GR 1011/20, SCHM 2710/3-1, SFB 762)
2011 - 2012: Master Student
Thesis: "Exciton-Polaritons in ZnO-based Microresonators: Pseudospin and Magnetic Fields"
(DFG-project GR 1011/20, SFB 762)
2006: Trainee
Lab Course: "Untersuchung an ZnO-MgO-ZrO2-Bragg-Reflektoren und Resonatoren"
"Investigations on ZnO-MgO-ZrO2-Bragg-reflectors and resonators"
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Jan Lorbeer 2011 - 2015: PhD Student
Topics: ion-beam surface modification and optical characterisazion of peridoic surface structures
(joint project Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung e. V., Dr. Frank Frost, and Uni Leipzig, Dr. Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund)
2010: Trainee
Lab Course: "In-Situ ellipsometry monitoring of the growth of BaTiO3,SrTiO3, and ZnO thin films and heterostructures"
(SFB 762)
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Steve Linke 2010 - 2012: Master Student
Thesis: "Untersuchung der Polarisations-Eigenschaften der Polariton-Relaxation und Emission in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur und Anregung" (vorläufiger Titel)
"Investigation of the polarisation properties of the polariton-relaxation and emission in dependence on the temperature and excitation" (preliminary header)
(DFG-project GR 1011/20)
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Tobias Herzig 2010/2011: Bachelor Student
Thesis: "Aufbau und Test eines Messplatzes für magnetooptische Ellipsometrie"
"Buildup of a magneto-ellipsometry setup and first magneto-optical investigations on magnetite and Co films" (preliminary header)
(SFB 762)
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Tom Michalsky since 2013: PhD Student
Topics: real-space and momentum-space imaging and correlation measurements of exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensates
(DFG-project: Research Unit FOR 1616, SCHM2710/2-1,2)
2011 - 2012: Master Student
Thesis: "Spacial and angular resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy at ZnO-based resonators"
(DFG-project GR 1011/20)
2010/2011: Bachelor Student
Thesis: "Mikroresonatoren mit MgZnO-ZnO Quantengräben"
"Microresonators with MgZnO-ZnO quantum wells"
(DFG-project GR 1011/20)
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Christof P. Dietrich 2009 - 2012: PhD Student - Member of the Graduate School BuildMoNa
PhD Thesis: "Cavity effects in polygonal resonators"
- ZnO nano- and microwires and micro-wire resonators
- optical properties, exciton-photon coupling (polaritons)
- optical, electrical, and structural characterisation, growth
- materials: ZnO nanowires and ZnO/MgZnO ZnO/CdZnO nanowire-heterostructures
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Tammo Böntgen 2009 - 2013: PhD Student - Member of the Graduate School BuildMoNa
- multiferroic functional heterostructures
- optical properties, electro-optical coupling
- optical, electrical, and structural characterisation, growth
- materials: BaTiO3 and BaTiO3/ZnO heterostructures, zinc-ferrites
(SFB 762)
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Christian Kranert 2014 - 2015: PostDoc
Topics: Raman spectroscopy
(SFB 762)
2010-2014: PhD Student - Member of the Graduate School BuildMoNa
PhD Thesis: Investigation of wide-bandgap semiconductors by UV Raman spectroscopy: resonance effects and material characterization (SFB 762)
2009-2010: Diploma Student
Thesis: "Aufbau eines UV-Raman-Messplatzes und Untersuchungen an MgxZn1-xO- und BaTiO3-Dünnfilmen und ZnO-BaTiO3-Heterostrukturen"
"Buildup of a UV-Raman setup and investigations on MgxZn1-xO- und BaTiO3-thinfilms and ZnO-BaTiO3-
(SFB 762)
2008: Trainee
Lab Course: "Buildup of a UV-Raman System"
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Martin Lange 2008 - 2012: PhD Student - Member of the Graduate School BuildMoNa
- ZnO-based nano- and microwire heterostructures
- Optical and structural characterization
- Materials: ZnO, MgZnO and ZnCdO
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Helena Franke,
née Hilmer
2012 - 2016: PostDoc
Topics: Exciton-Polaritons in ZnO-based Microresonators - Bose-Einstein condensates, growth, plasmon and polaron coupling
(DFG-project: Research Unit FOR 1616)
2008 - 2012: PhD Student - Member of the Graduate School BuildMoNa
PhD Thesis: PLD-grown ZnO-based Microcavities for Bose-Einstein Condensation of Exciton-Polaritons
Tasks: Exciton-Poalritons in ZnO-based resonators growth and characterisation, Bose-Einstein condensates
(DFG-project GR 1011/20)
2007/2008: Diploma Student
Thesis: "PLD ZnO-Mikroresonatoren mit YSZ/Al2O3-Braggspiegeln"
"PLD ZnO microresonators with YSZ/Al2O3 Bragg reflectors "
2007: Trainee
Lab Course: "Ellipsometrische und Reflexions-Spektoskopische Untersuchung von ZnO-Mikrosäulen Resonatoren und Photolumineszenz an ZnO Mikrosäulen"
"Ellipsometric and reflection spectroscopic investigations of ZnO micro-pillar resonators and photoluminescence on micro-pillars"
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Chris Sturm since 2014: PostDoc
Topics: Nanowire Growth, Ellipsometry, Exciton-Polaritons, Polarization Optics, optics of low-symmetry crystals (experiment and theory)
2012: PostDoc
Topics: Exciton-Polaritons in ZnO-based Microresonators - pseudo-spin, mode-structure theory, Bose-Einstein condensates
2006-2011: PhD Student - Member of the Graduate School BuildMoNa
PhD-Thesis: Exciton-Polaritons in ZnO-based Microresonators: Dispersion and Occupation
- Exciton-Poalritons in ZnO-based resonators
(experimental and theoretical)
(DFG-project GR 1011/20)
- Optical investigations on BaTiO3 - ZnO heterostructures
(SFB 762)
- Interfaces in ZnO-based heterostructures
2005/2006: Diploma Student
Thesis: "Verallgemeinerte Ellipsometrie an a-plane und m-plane orientierten ZnO-Schichten"
"Generalized ellipsometry on a- and m-plane oriented ZnO thin films"
2004/2005: Trainee
Lab Course: "Untersuchungen zur dielektrischen Funktion von Kylindrit"
"Investigations of the dielectric function of cylindrite"
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Aron Kirschen 2011: Trainee
Lab Course / Besondere Lernleistung (BELL):
"Build-up and test of a simple measuring station for demonstration of polarization properties of light"
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David Schumacher 2010: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / scientific staff
- temperature dependent ellipsometry (ZnO)
2009-2010: Diploma Student
Thesis: "Untersuchung der ZnO-Valenzbandordnung mittels Tieftemperatur-Ellipsometrie"
"Investigation of the ZnO valenzband-order using low-temperature-ellipsometry"
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Annekatrin Meißner,
née Hinkel
2008-2010: Diploma Student
Thesis: "Optische Moden in ZnO Mikro- und Nanosäulenresonatoren"
"Optical modes in ZnO micro- and nano-pillar resonators"
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Stefan Schöche 2009: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / scientific staff
- growth and characterisations of BaTiO3 and BaTiO3/ZnO heterostructures
2008/2009: Diploma Student
Thesis: "Kristallstruktur und dielektrische Funktion von
Bariumtitanat-Einkristallen und -Dünnfilmen"
"Crystal structure and dielectric function of Bariumtitanate single crystals and thin films"
(SFB 762)
2008: Trainee
Lab Course: "Buildup of a 4-arm goniometer system for photoluminescence and reflection-spectroscopy experiements (AROSE)"
(DFG-project GR 1011/20)
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Phillip Kühne 2009: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / scientific staff
- low-temperature ellipsometry
2008/2009: Diploma Student
Thesis: "Tieftemperatur-Ellipsometrie: Aufbau und Erprobung eines Messplatzes und Messungen an ZnO
"Low-temperature ellipsometry: buildup and test of device and measurements on ZnO"
2008: Trainee
Lab Course: "Buildup of a ellipsometer-cryostat-system"
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Francois Barrat 2008: Master Student
Home instituion: University Pierre et Marie Curie Paris
Thesis: "Coupling between light and excitons in a ZnO microresonator"
(DFG-project GR 1011/20)
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Jan Sellmann 2007/2008: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / scientific staff
- PLD of ZrO2/Al2O3 and YSZ/Al2O3 Bragg reflectors
- PLD of ZnO-based resonators
(DFG-project GR 1011/20)
- Buildup of a time-resolved ellipsometer
2006/2007: Diploma Student
Thesis: "PLD-Wachstum und Eigenschaften von ZrO2/Al2O3-Schichtstrukturen in Bragg-Spiegeln für ZnO-Resonatoren"
"PLD-growth and properties of ZrO2/Al2O3 layer structures in Bragg reflectors for ZnO resonators"
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Erik Fengler 2007: Trainee
Lab Course: "Ellipsometrie an mittels ALD abgeschiedenen SiOx Dünnfilmen"
"Ellipsometry of ALD grown SiOx thin films"
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Felix Warmer 2007: Trainee
Lab Course: "Ellipsometrische und Reflexions-Spektoskopische Untersuchung von ZnO-Mikrosäulen Resonatoren"
"Ellipsometric and reflection-spectroscopic investigations of ZnO-micropillar resonators"
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Tsvetan Chavdarov 2006: Master Student
Thesis: "Generalized IR-Ellipsometry on ZnO"
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Rene Heimbuch 2006: Trainee
Lab Course: "Untersuchung an ZnO-MgO-ZrO2-Bragg-Reflektoren und Resonatoren"
"Investigations on ZnO-MgO-ZrO2-Bragg-reflectors and resonators"
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Dietmar Potthoff 2004: Trainee
Lab Course: "Spektroskopische Ellipsometrie an CdxZn1-xO" "Spektroscopic ellipsometry on CdxZn1-xO"
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Anke Carstens 2003/2004: Diploma Student
Thesis: "Spektroskopische Ellipsometrie an kubischem MgxZn1-xO"
"Spektroscopic ellipsometry on cubic MgxZn1-xO"
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Go back to home page Last update 06/2017